Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My fate in UNIVEN
Well after a lot of running up and down I am finally registered and I got my student card today which means I can now drink at the student bar ...... oh and attend lessons. Only thing standing in my way now is accommodation. I am thinking of visiting Zimbabwe this weekend so if all goes well will be leaving on Friday morning and will be back on Sunday. This place is still the closest thing to a biblical hell in terms of the weather. Nothing much to say but remember kwaki is your uncle.
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you sure kwaki is not my daddy? LOL
just kidding! have a good weekend!!
Hi.i waitin 2 register with univen 4 academic yr problem is dat day are sayin dat i am owin 25 ooo rands an i am havin a busarz.i am nw thnking 2 drop out or goin 2 talk with de pres motadi.
University of venda is de most poor university in mzanzi but it stl admit many many students.i am doin my 3rd of bsw there nxt yr i wil b doin my lst year.univen treat some of de students special whilst we are all payin equal zwimbabweans n disable students are treated terms of cafeteria de services are poor
Why Univen staff dnt treat people wit care or respect,is bcoz they're alws drunk while workin.They must close a student bar. By WELCOME ROCKS
nothing much we can say about univen, it is just mess
i am curently completing my international diploma in women's development microfinance this year and the problem now is they are nt so prompt with making it a degree..everythn that hapens in there is just a gag..senior student (dzivhu)
another problem in univen is the academic,this lectures they cant stop tourtiring students especialy females with telling them if they cant have sex with them they wont pass their modules..i mean whats that? Prof mbati please have a chart with your academic staff or unles univen with always drain down.
Seems like theres a lot to be desired about univen, i might as well start a blog about it...
I love this site! Thank you sooo much for all your posts!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
I'm looking forward to getting more information about this topic, don't worry about negative opinions.
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Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the topplace to buy these? I live in Georgia and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
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Interesting for me//
Hi, i truely love dis site becouse a person is able 2 share his or her own view about anythng mostly about univen our rural university
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