Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tying the knot

Marriage is made out to be this neccessary evil that we have to go through and since I have never been hitched myself I cant say much about the topic but there are people who believe that every man should get married at some time; after all,happiness is not the only thing in life! I am not really thinking about getting married anytime soon but my decision to go back to school was largely based on that possibility. I just wanted something to fall back on in case my alcohol induced business ideas fell through because women are demanding. The only reason you may have seen me walking hand in hand with my girlfriend at Balfour Mall was because I was afraid if I let go of her hand she would start shopping. In the words of Oscar Wilde "Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others."


Sweets said...

"I was afraid if I let go of her hand she would start shopping"... hehe you guys are so funny ;)

kwaki said...

I aim to please

Anonymous said...

Alchohol induced business ideas are definately the way to go. It's been working for me so far!

Just Khens. said...

Do you not have internet any more or are the vendas on strike again??? Its been a week now, come get urself sorted!

hi my fwend, when are coming to nst???

Saw your dada driving your car... he said hi, I think he wants me! Ha, ha, ha, ha! That men is scary, fokit!

Ok I miss you... are you broke? why you no call me no mo?