Friday, June 13, 2008


I dont really mind school ..... seriously I dont, its a great place to get high, stoned, fucked and sloshed. The only problem I have with it is the part where I actually have to learn. Lets face it if they took learning out of the equation we would have less dropouts. I am currently writing exams and its as if the lecturers were targeting those days when I bunked lessons to give the rest of the class the essential exam material. I swear there is a conspiracy against me, why do i have to be the only one not smiling after an exam. Oh; I saw Steavy Boys new website and I have to admit Shan G is good in designing, there is a picture of yours trully sitting in his former office. (Pic gallery number 8)Ahhh nostalgia. Anyway will be gracing Nelspruit soon after a brief conjugal visit in Joburg, not even Xenophobia can stop me from getting some. Oh and I have a lunch meeting in Nelspruit with a beautiful woman, by the way are we still on? Until then Kwaki is your Uncle

1 comment:


School was designed as a punishment for naughty under-12s, until some dude who wanted more time to spend bonking his wife extended beyond 12yrs. And now, for you to school when getting screwed, sloshed and reallys fcuked up is your sport should be hard. But it's nothing your conjugal visit to Xenophobialand can not sort. Good luck!