Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday blues

Had a fucked up weekend and I have only myself to blame for being so understanding to other peoples needs and ignoring mine when I know too well should the tables be turned they will always put themselves first but let me not sulk too much. I really sometimes wish I wasnt the way I am but I guess I will always be a goodguy. I swear the next woman who calls me 'sweet'/'like a brother'/'just a friend'etc, just might see how much of a gaping asshole I can be. Anyway was looking at relationships again thanks to a Sunday chill session with a couple of guys and I came to the realization that there are basically 4 kinds of relationships.
1. There is the main lover who is the stable guy/girl in your life, this could be your hubby or wife.
2. There is the friend of the opposite sex who you are usually attracted to but have never been intimate with because you are afraid it will ruin everything. You tell them of all your sexual experiences blah blah and you expect them to always pick up the pieces when you get hurt. Usually either one of you in the relationship wants to have their cake and eat it and in the end there is the possibility that you may ruin the relationship even by not doing anything.
3. There is the other person who you just click on a sexual level and you feel free to do things that you cant do with number 1 and would love to do with number 2 but never have.
4. Then is the occasional puff and pass, this can be someone who you wouldnt want to be seen with in public but who you shag either for the benefits (if you are female) or because everyone is shagging them and you just dont want to be left out.

Just remember your number 1 might be someone elses 2, 3 and even 4.


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