I happened to be with Bertha of the Big Brother Africa 2 fad, and although I have never watched an episode of the 'reality' series I asked around and from my minor inquisition, I imagined an interview with her, bear in mind I never studied journalism.
Kwaki - So how has life been since BBA
Bertha - Profitable
Kwaki - How so?
Bertha - I get paid huge amounts of cash to just make an appearence, and pretend to motivate people. I mean most of the time they dont listen to me they are just starring and imagining its shower hour.
Kwaki - Considering todays function was intended for the youth, do you consider your stay in the BBA house as inspirational to the youth especially the women?
Bertha - If you ignore the fact that I was a lying, man stealing, back stabbing, conniving bitch who was kicked out before the finals then my answer would have to be yes, because despite all that I now own a succesful PR company in Zim, and am being invited the whole continent over to share my experiences in the house.
Kwaki - How did it feel being deprived of your privacy, from what I hear you seemed to be the most comfortable with the situation?
Bertha - I am from Zim ..... go figure.
Kwaki - So I presume you never felt homesick in that regard... just joking
LoL, you are no journo alright... Interesting answers she gave there though.
Mara you groupies???? You should've just licked her face.
Shouldn't she using some of the money she gets to do something about her weird looking hair line???? Realy now...
Its called make up, something your natural beauty hasnt heard off. Problem is she layers on the stuff as if she is mulching her face.
PS - She is the one drooling over me not the other way round.
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