Monday, January 28, 2008

I will freak you right

Any freak worth their name will tell you nothing weighs more heavily on the mind than the potential for improper freakage.I am not saying this is always the case but the most mind blowing sex you can receive is usually from the not so attractive ones. I have had sex with some very beautiful people some of them paegent runnerups but sometimes its as if they are doing you a favour and you should be having grateful orgasms because truthfully speaking their perfomance wont be deserving of one. The thing about me is I am not easy to please sexually because I try and satisfy my partners needs to the fullest and a little effort on her part to fulfill mine is very much appreciated.And somehow women also think handsome guys are for show only. So here is the question.Do you think excess beauty makes for bad sex?


Anonymous said...

No i totally disagree, i believe i'm the most beatiful miss thang that ever walked the face of the earth and i can, in your own words "freak" u till u scream for your mama... i jus believe it comes with skills and knowing ecxatly what you want and how to go about getting it regardless of how you look

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you

Anonymous said...

well anonymous I guess I will just have to take your word 4 it but feel free to prove me wrong,thanks 4 the comment though.
te la maria - i do try my best

Just Khens. said...

Haai... Iyashisa yona le I don't even know what 2 say! Some extremely good looking people have more flaws than the not too attractive ones, that much I know!

I'm not too bad either.....