Monday, February 5, 2007

Love is in the air...

....amongst other pungent scents it being so hot nowadays, anyway had an interesting weekend full of love triangles, rectangles and all those other angles. Beer sure does make things more interesting. Any how was thinking of our back in the days love when we would actually make use of the post office to write to our beloved and send them pictures of us in ridiculous postures (kind of like the pics I took of myself) and we would include dedications from K-Ci and Jojo...If you have never sent or received such a letter in your life my deepest condolences are with you. Back then courting was a process, nowadays with the right car and cash you can skip the whole thing and jump straight to bed after the initial greeting....thats if you go as far as saying something to each other.

For the benefit of todays generation I decided to remind you of the old day worked too,so dont laugh you are probably a product of it.

Dear Sugar

Time and ability plus double capacity has forced my pen to dance automatically on this benedicted sheet of paper. Why! this miraculous thing happened is because papie I love you spontaneously and as I stand horizontal to the wall and perpendicular to the ground I only think of you, since you are a fantastic and fabulous guy. papie please Stop haranguing with the feelings in my heart because I love you more than a snake loves rat. To me each day starts by thinking of you and ends by dreaming of you. Each time I see you my metabolism suddenly stops and my peristalysis goes in reverse gear My medular-oblandata also stops functioning.

Crazy crazy crazy you may say but this is true. If only you knew what is going on in my encephalon you would understand. That's why I need to see you face to face with you, soon. I think I have to pen-off hear because I still haven't finished studying electrolysis and polymerization. Catch you pa- later. Sleep tight and don't let those bed bugs ever bite you coz you are too sweet a thing for them.

Yourz Ever,
Sugar nonoza

And the equally fantabulous reply

Dear Honie

My Love, My Sugar, i was exasperated with pride to have received one from you, the lungs in my body flapped with joy when i have been reading your letter. Anyway by now you have reached the realisations to why i am jotting this small letter to you, yes it is to see if you are keeping with the sands of time.

How is everything on that other side of yours? Well here everything is just half lemon half sugar to makeit schweppes. How is your schooling? How are you pulling the wagons of life? I am just pulling the schooling thing like a donkey pulling a cart.

My honie, i am missing you very much right now, my heart is perambulating with every word that i write, if it was not for these oceans that decided to flow between us then i would get on the next bus to come and see you, but until then i know that i will not hesitate to put this blue blood on this paper and write to you. I remember that day lovie, that one sweet day as Maria Curry sanged it, you know that it is my favorites song honie, the one day that we were boarding the combies and you escorted me to my home, walking with you just brought sweet dreams to me for the rest of my life honie.

If words of love could ride a bicycle I would be competing against Diego Maradona. Anyways, i will not stop you from reading the books that give you life and education so I will stop here for today.

Please always writing to me because I am missing you like sugar misses tea. You can see my foto below

My dedications to you are :

Maria Curry - One Sweet Day.

Boys to Main - And of the Rod

Keep well my mop of my heart, Yours in flesh and in blood, Ruise Sugar Baby

P.S. Sorry about my english, I did not learn anymore

Now that is classic....

1 comment:

Just Khens. said...

Ha,Ha, Hee, Hee....
I didn't understand half of what those letters were all about. That is the shit about old skool & new school. Check out my thought on my page.

The Diva