Monday, February 19, 2007

Oral sex

OK so we have all read this joke( I would have said heard but have you noticed how e-mails are cornering the joke market ) about an elderly couple whose idea of oral sex is her shouting "fuck you" from across the room and him shouting "fuck you too" and then they get into their separate bedrooms and sleep. If that's oral sex then lots of guys out there are throwing insults at each other are gay... anyway not to be outdone I came up with a poem of my own.

Oral sex

Making love through words
Intimate foreplay in these verbs

Every jingle caresses my earlobes
Before penetrating my mind with gentle strokes

Should I explain the sensation it invoked
When she whispered and when she spoke

Her voice angelic in its chord
Inviting me to its holy abode

Erecting my senses, she strokes my nerves
Naked and shameless, those were her words

She started slow and picked up speed
The more she says the more I need

This beautiful sensation with a twist of greed
She speaks I listen, that's how we breed.

Our satisfaction is achieved in the anticipation
Only when you have none, can you fulfill your expectations

As you will notice I passed 'Yes dear 101' with flying colours, always listen to your woman or at least pretend to. Sweetie if you are reading this ignore the 'pretend to' part. So anyway that is my attempt at poetry.

1 comment:


Hey hey hey, finally i can successfully leave a comment. I been a regular visitor to you guys' blogs and i think on the love department Kwaki (or Kwali, depending on who writes it) should start your own Agony Uncle column in some real hardcore male mag, think FHM or Men's Health, or SL and take worries of poor sould complaining about their women's night out with the girls,which in my vocab is prelude to an orgy. You can then get those guys as well who think oral is anal and swear that they'll never do it to slow down. Cum on man, you can be the next Dr Phil and write a How To handbook. Joking, but I enjoy your stuff, maybe I was not joking after all. One Love. Been trying to comment to that 'Used boy' entry, how many of us have been through that shit.

PS. I swear when I'm in town and can master time I will shout