Friday, April 20, 2007

I missed me too

I had no internet connection for a while just managed to resolve things today. Anyway I wasn't demon slaying this time but I did try to kill the easter bunny. That there is one perverted bunny, even I date within the same species. The Diva is scary nowadays ... she seriously nedds to get laid before she pummels one of us to death.

So we all know the saying you are what you eat, seeing as I drink more than I eat I then have to be what I drink. So here is the thing, think of your favourite beverage be it coffee, tim-jan or ubhejane. Write down what exactly turns on your taste buds about it in my comments page and that my dear reader is what you think about sex.

I got dumped via sms last night, I laughed myself to sleep. Its not as if that is the first time it has happened to me but you know one of those jokes that just do it for you no matter how many times you hear them. Anyway I am at my workplace and my boss seems to think that means I should be actually working ... so later

PS- to contribute to the 'Buy the Diva a Dildo'foundation call me the number is +27822285619

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